Monday, February 25, 2008

Spring Fever

Spring Fever--

Does anybody else see that endless blanket of snow? It seems like there has been snow on the ground since October. I think this is the most snow I have ever seen in my life.

It's just been really hard being couped up in the house, not being able to get out either because of bad roads or because it's been so cold.

Yesterday, the weather warmed up so nicely. It was beautiful, the sun was shining, just enough of a glimpse of spring to reaffirm that it's coming.

But guess what? Another snow storm on the way, that's supposed to leave us with about 8 inches and the wind is gonna blow. So I need to bundle up my kids and get to the store.

I'm ready for Spring!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen to that sister!!! I want spring to come too!!!