Wednesday, April 16, 2008

One year later....two years later....

This morning I woke up and turned the computer on. The headlines for today were, Virginia Tech, One Year Later.

What!! That horrible massacre happened a year ago. I couldn't believe it.

Is it just me, or is time flying by. Two years ago, I was a mom to a 3 year old little girl and a 2 mo-old little boy. I was living in Colorado with my husband. My parents were still married, I was about to become an aunt. Life was okay.

A year ago...I was a mom to a 4 year old little girl, and a one-year old little boy. A year ago, while dealing with the divorce of my parents, my husband got a job oppurtunity. Thus moving us 850 miles from all the family we had always been around.

We are going on 2 years in Illinois now. And looking back over all that has happened in such a short time, I can do nothing but praise God.

The things I have learned about myself in the last year, have surprised me. And I thank God that He has given me grace to get through each situation.

Now, I've never been more content. We are settling in to a new home and making friends. This is finally starting to feel like home.

Hold on to the time you have, it goes by so fast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey its Blanca!!!
I know how that goes it does go by super fast....I'm glad you guys came my newest blog too!!!
love ya